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2019Meng Shao+, Shuhe Zhang+, Jinhua Zhou*, Yu-Xuan Ren, Calculation of optical forces for arbitrary light beams using Fourier ray method, Optics Express, 27 (20), 27459-27476 (2019)
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2019Zhen Liang, Runhuai Yang*, Chenchen Xu, Shaohui Hou, Guoqing Jin and Fuzhou Niu.The Simulation and Experiment Study of a Wearable, Flexible and Transparent Biomimetic Voltage Source.ICCES Chapter 93.

Shuhe Zhang,Jinhua Zhou, and Yu-xuan Ren.Ray optics analysis of optical forces on a microsphere in a (2 + 1)D Airy beam.Vol. 2, No. 2 / 15 February 2019 / OSA Continuum 3

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